Strikeforce Heraldry

Before starting to kitbash models, we need to plan out a consistent heraldry for all unit types and characters featured in the army. There are many variations of Space Marines heraldry but certain iconography recurs over and over, sometimes the same symbol is used for different things based on which book features it!...

October 21, 2021 · G.C.

Hybrid Primaris Armor in Lore

Can Primaris Marines mix elements of older patterns with Mk X Power Armour? Practically? Of course. Primaris models are made so that heads and shoulderpads (at least) from Firstborns can easily fit....

October 8, 2021 · G.C.

Kitbash Notes

An unsorted list of kitbash ideas / quick notes until i can actually dedicated time, physical space and mental energy to actually build these miniatures (and have something to show for all this work!...

October 4, 2021 · G.C.


The Venatores are Xenos Hunters. The minis will have Tyranids accents where possible. Many have been seconded to the Deathwatch in the past but are back into the chapter’s fold now....

October 4, 2021 · G.C.