The Venatores are Xenos Hunters. The minis will have Tyranids accents where possible.

Many have been seconded to the Deathwatch in the past but are back into the chapter’s fold now.


Gravis and shooty marines will have Mark VIII/Iron Hands armor accents (artificial limbs, Bare heads with ocular implants etc.)

Bladeguards/Assault Intercessors will have Deathwatch accents and Knight helms.

Squad of Veteran Intercessor As tyrannic war veterans. Tyranid trophies, Acid Damage and Scars. Auto bolt rifles and hand flamer on sergeant.


Conceptually, the company is divided into two thematic “demi-companies”

Amnis Transitores

Old guard of rubicon marines that fought in the tyrannic wars and requested to be transfered to the IIIrd when it was reconstituted.

Member Units

  • Intercessors
  • Hellblasters
  • Aggressors
  • Apothecary
  • Librarian

Torvum Velites

Deathwatch Veterans: actual Primaris-born marines. Born on some of the original 500 worlds of ultramar during the last days of the great crusade, woken up during the opening of the great rift. Spent about 30 years of the past centuries in the Deathwatch and now they have been reassigned to the newly rebuilt 3rd Company

Member Units

  • Bladeguard
  • Assault Intercessor
  • Indomitus Captain, Ancient, Lieutenant
  • Victrix
  • Chaplain