Before starting to kitbash models, we need to plan out a consistent heraldry for all unit types and characters featured in the army.

There are many variations of Space Marines heraldry but certain iconography recurs over and over, sometimes the same symbol is used for different things based on which book features it!

In order to wade through the uncertainty and have a definitive reference of which heraldry i will use in my army, i prepared this little flashcard to help me remind me while building models.

Vector art of 15 different types of Space Marine shoulderpads, covering most types of command, elite and troop units

This is a generic reference on a per-unit basis and will not exactly match the models i have. Each character will later get a dedicated blog post with the actual bits and overall look that will be used

The Tyrannic War Veterans shoulderpad is…“aspirational”. There is no current shoulderpad with that design, so i will try to make custom waterslide decals using printable decal sheets.

I never used the product but whatever result i will get, i will make a blog post about it:)
